Article Betsy Sobiech Article Betsy Sobiech

Keep the Inner Fire Burning

What amazes and inspires me is the huge number of women, and many men, that stood up to their core values and beliefs for the greater good of the country, the social systems and the world we live in.

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Why Companies Fail to Level the Playing Field for Women in Leadership (and What You Can Do About It)

... in many corporate environments, what is said and what is done to boost women in leadership roles are not in sync. Results are limited, no meaningful change takes place and the benefits of having women in top spots are lost to them, despite their efforts.

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Article Franciska Dekker Article Franciska Dekker

Being Resilient: Do We Need To Be A Hero?

Resilience, as seen in the workplace, might feel elusive for many. It’s become a super heroic ingredient leaders use to move through challenges, turn them into opportunities, and call on others to manage their own change effectively.

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Article Elizabeth Ruske Article Elizabeth Ruske

Bounce-back-ability: 3 Steps to Build Resilience in Yourself and Others

In today’s global and technologically advanced business world, resilience has become one of the top five leadership traits essential for navigating a changing and fast-paced work environment. Resilient leaders, who bounce back from setbacks and stay focused on the big picture during disruptive times, have the capability to rise and meet various business challenges along with their teams.

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Article Betsy Sobiech Article Betsy Sobiech

How To Stop Being Afraid Of Making Mistakes 

Many of us have worked for corporations, served on boards, published articles and books, started businesses and spoken in front of thousands of people for decades – and we still feel anxiety before an important meeting, a new client workshop or stepping behind the podium.

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Article Elizabeth Ruske Article Elizabeth Ruske

Recognizing the great leaders in your life.

For the past several years the market has published thousands of books with leadership in the title; one study estimated leadership books were being published at the rate of 4 per day. That's roughly 1500 books per year. Clearly leadership is a hot topic.

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Article Dr. Alison Miller Article Dr. Alison Miller

How to build your influence muscles.

As human beings we have a remarkable ability to influence and inspire each other, and we get to choose to be influential in an intentional and positive way. So what does it mean to be influential?

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