Mistakes women make when goal setting.

By The Tiara Collective


We all know that without a point on the horizon, it's challenging to navigate any journey, let alone your career or life journey. Yet we still struggle with how to set the most powerful goals and create the most compelling plans. We flip-flop between being too vague and non-committal to too precise, setting ourselves up for early failure.

Additionally, we often start by focusing on problems and what needs to be fixed. Our mental energy goes into overdrive trying to create the perfect SMART goal which will lead us to the success that's evaded us up until this point.

We need to stop the planning madness and create plans that are simple enough to follow, inspiring enough to maintain over time, and powerful enough to create real change in our lives. To do this, your goal-setting must include the following components.

1. Come from inspiration.

It's important to include a ritual and process that completes your past year (or whatever period of time), then restores you to a sense of wholeness, balance, purpose, and inspiration. Creativity comes from this place.

2. Include all areas of life.

When creating a plan, create one plan. If you have a big professional goal this year, it affects your personal priorities, and vice versa. Include it all so you have one road map to follow.

3. Choose the appropriate period of time.

Do you want a full year to accomplish big things? Or do you need a 90-day jumpstart? Or maybe 6 months is the perfect timeframe for you. Be intentional about "by when" you intend to complete your plan. This helps you choose the right end game for each of your goals.


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