Recognizing the great leaders in your life.


For the past several years the market has published thousands of books with leadership in the title; one study estimated leadership books were being published at the rate of 4 per day. That's roughly 1500 books per year. Clearly leadership is a hot topic. One only has to turn on the news or tune into to the headlines to see examples of both good and bad leadership – just about everywhere.

At Tiara, we would tell you good – no great – leadership is everywhere and it is right in front of you! Look around...where have you found great leadership that has made an impact in your life? A new book by the Arbinger Institute, The Outward Mindset starts by asking you these simple questions:

  • Who are 3 people in your life whom you most admire?

  • Who was your best boss?

  • Who is the person who inspires you to do your best?

  • Who are 3 of your favorite co-workers?

  • Which 2 people have had the most positive influence on you?

Leaders and teachers all around us. The point is for us to recognize them and appreciate their great qualities and more importantly, see the impact these people and their actions have had on our lives. 

Over the past several years we at Tiara have had the privilege of working with some really great leaders! What makes these leaders so great is that they embody the principles of leadership we hold most dear: they lead an integrated life, they are authentic and approachable people, they value people as much as they value profits, and they expect others to hold them accountable to be the leaders they hope they are! One of our clients, Violet Sistovaris (Executive Vice President of NiSource Inc. and President of NIPSCO) is one of those great leaders. In this recent article in the The Journal Gazette, Violet is recognized as “a leader who inspires”. And, we couldn’t agree more.

Today, who will you inspire by being the true leader you are?


In the Spirit of Gratitude, Be the Change you Desire to See


How to build your influence muscles.