Andrea Henning
THE NETHERLANDS | Andrea Henning is one of Tiara International’s Global Leaders. Andrea is responsible for leadership development programs, leadership coaching and is one of the facilitators of the Lead True Model Certification Program. She is located in The Netherlands and is involved in local community building. She loves and holds the spirit of Lead True, the Lead True DNA as we call it.
Know what makes you feel alive. What sounds so simple can often be so difficult in reality. Getting to the source of what makes us come alive can be a life-long journey. We get trapped in our daily routines and the roles we play, consciously and unconsciously. Going inside soul-searching can also be very uncomfortable. So we decide to stay in the comfortable, and therefore often remain in a state where we are not living up to our full potential and experiencing the fullness of our purpose.
With Andrea you have a trusted partner to accompany you through that journey of discovery of who you truly are and what really matters to you. On a personal level this means rediscovering your true nature and start to consciously live it. Within organizations this means rediscovering authentic craftsmanship, expertise, values and purpose.
Be what you want to see in the world. We live in a time when reorganizations occur in rapid succession and individuals often feel lost. The world is becoming increasingly complex and old certainties are faltering. From the financial crisis in 2009 to the Covid-19 Pandemic in 2020 we are asked to adapt and transform to new realities. And this transformation starts with you. How do you need to show up?
n today's complex world, leaders who wish to be successful cannot afford to waste their time and energy. When staff members are able to focus on clearly defined organizational goals, which connect to their personal objectives and their professional development, based on what truly matters, they will be able to fully contribute and produce the desired outcomes! Throughout the years Andrea and the Lead True team have developed many tools to generate clarity and move forward even in the most complex circumstances.
Experience. Andrea holds a master’s degree in agricultural engineering and ecology from Wageningen University & Research in The Netherlands and spent several years in developing countries. Her academic background developed her into a systems thinker, thus she approaches a topic from a holistic point of view.
That made her realize that LEADERSHIP is key to change making. Over the years she worked with changemakers in various industries including education, banking, retail, police- and fire departments, the food sector, accountancy, government, for profit and nonprofit organizations from individuals to large-scale, year-long (cultural) innovation projects.
Cornerstones. Andrea’s foundational coaching principles include achieving tangible results, growing consciousness and taking personal responsibility.
Years ago, Andrea Henning found out what she had been missing. It's what she calls The Leadership Paradox, and it affects how we lead all areas of life.