5 Ways To Break Through Procrastination

By Elisa Tawil, Tiara Certified Coach



to defer action; delay: to procrastinate until an opportunity is lost; to put off till another day or time; defer; delay.

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Think for a moment: What were the most frequent complaints and problems that produced the most anxiety last year? My clients usually list the items they feel like they did not get done.

If in the past 365 days you have felt how heavy and discouraging procrastination can be, the good news is that you can take the first step to change that now. Even better, here are five steps you can take to get done today what you may have the urge to leave until tomorrow.

To act consciously, we need to identify the root cause of the resistance. When we name what we are feeling, it starts to loosen its hold on us.

Think about the last thing you procrastinated or something you are putting off right now. It can be anything such as tidying up your closet, calling a relative, sending a job offer. or even starting that diet.

Make sure you have something in mind for yourself.

Based on what you wrote above, consider why you are postponing action. Which of these resonate with you?

  • I don’t know where to start

  • It seems too big of a project

  • I'm afraid I might not succeed

  • I have no budget available, I have few financial resources 

  • I am discouraged, I feel without energy

  • I have been distracted by parallel activities like social media and internet

  • What else?

Many times we leave something later that we could do now for fear of what we don't know or because it seems too big or overwhelming. When something unknown, we cannot accurately assess the situation. Imagining everything that can happen, consumes energy, distresses us, brings anxiety… and paralysis.

If this is a feeling that you identify with, start by breaking the larger task into small items and take one step at a time. The most important thing is to get started. The good news is that if you have come this far, you have already started, so congratulations! You have already taken your first step!

1º step: Identify what and why you are procrastinating

Now that you are clearer than and why you are procrastinating, the next step is to take action. However, we have difficulty knowing which ideal action to take. Especially if we are discouraged or, in many cases, without resources (financial, staff, etc.) to do so.

The more we "fight" with our minds thinking about all that can go wrong and striving to throw these negative thoughts away, the more tired and unmotivated we become.

The second step I propose is to put an end to postponing action by listing all the negative thoughts that are stopping you. Do not be afraid of this step. List all the negative thoughts that stop you from taking action, preferably in freehand in your journal.

As we write, our problems and difficulties become "tamed," some of them seem minor or even less relevant, don't they?

And voila, you've taken the second step to kick out that procrastination!

2º step: Write down the obstacles that are keeping you from starting

When we identify and put everything we fear on paper, we can now illuminate a starting point.

Rewrite what you have completed in the step above, but at this time, list all the attitudes that will triumph over each of the negative thoughts above. For example, if I did not start the diet because I have a birthday this week and I know I will not resist by a piece of cake, I can rewrite my attitude to be: I will start my regime to this week; and I will allow myself a piece of cake for my birthday. I will be committed, yet not so hard on myself. I will allow myself moments of celebration.

Make sense?

Now it is your turn. Write out the above thoughts, listing all affirmative attitudes needed to reach the desired result in the first step.

Well done, you have completed your third step to combat procrastination! You have addressed your negative thoughts with affirmative attitudes that support action.

3º step: Identify affirmative attitudes that support action

Now that we have a map of how to think and act, the next movement is to plan each action and attitude to be taken. Remember, you don't need to do everything at the same time, right now. Each affirmative action generated in the previous step can, and should, have its moment of beginning, and it is critical that at least one affirmative action begins now. That's right, now!

Make a list including the date and time of each affirmative action from the previous step, starting with the one you will start now! If it's that call to the relative who was putting it off, you can have the phone with you, because the time is now. List next actions, with date and time to happen

And, when we least expect it, we have started. This was your fourth step.

4º step: Make a list of actions and attitudes. start

You may be wondering: If I already started, why do I need a fifth step? Because now is time to celebrate! After all, when we achieve something as important as winning procrastination, we have to celebrate.

Oops, if we're talking about diet, the celebration is far from being an ice cream or pizza party, ok?! The celebration can be a new lingerie, for example! Or go out for a coffee with a friend you haven't seen in a while, or even alone. For many people (I include myself) a coffee your one, without taking care of children or husband, can be a great gift.

Capture for yourself what your reward will be for overcoming procrastination!

5º step: celebrate

Finally, review the five steps and share this personal achievement with your network.

  • Step 1: Identify what and why you are being procrastinated

  • Step 2: Write down the obstacles that are keeping you from starting

  • Step 3: Affirmative Actions

  • Step 4: Make a list of actions and attitudes. start

  • Step 5: Celebrate

Celebrate on social media by posting a message of success too! Options for you to share are below.

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