Friedl Ghysel


BELGIUM | Friedl has found her true power in connecting authentically with others and thereby creating flow - moving people and unblocking what is blocked. Her mission is to bring more consciousness and leadership into this world. She is passionate about personal growth and wisdom, which has been her fuel throughout her career as an organisational psychologist and trainer / coach. She believes self-awareness is the key to unlock free choice and personal effectiveness. 

Throughout her career, Friedl has been working as a business partner in HR topics for all management levels. Her disarming, enthusiastic and intuitive style, alongside her strong creative conceptual thinking are assets in building trust as an insightful sparring partner. Coaching both individuals and teams, she adopts a strength-based approach and focuses on igniting a growth mindset. 

Over the past 15 years, Friedl has been working in and for various multinational companies such as Deloitte Consulting, Unilin, Nestlé and Ardo. She has built a wide array of skills going from organisational development and human capital optimisation, talent acquisition, learning & development to performance and talent management. As a designer and facilitator of leadership development programs, she has designed and delivered long term training programs for international senior leaders as well as emerging young leaders. As a certified Lead True coach, she has implemented multiple programs on True Leadership for female leaders on an international scale. She is also a certified trainer in Insights Discovery and a prana yoga teacher.

After a transformative period of physical recovery Friedl has recently started up her own coaching business Heartwaves, in order to intensify the focus on her life’s purpose. She organises Conscious leadership programs and leadership retreats for both senior and emerging leaders, using the Lead True Model for True Leadership.


Franciska Dekker


Heather Sattler