True Leadership Session on Alignment


Join us for this True Leadership Session! These bi-monthly virtual workshops for Lead True Community Members allow you to connect and explore one of the six Lead True Leadership Dimensions in-depth and complete an exercise alongside one of our Leadership Development coaches.

This month we’ll be focusing on Alignment. At Lead True we explore how we can achieve the results we desire in our lives, with the greatest ease possible. Notice that we say "ease" and not "easy." We understand that accomplishment takes an investment of energy, attention, and effort. We also know that some of our proudest moments have come from times when we really worked!

Yet what we want to avoid is overworking, feeling like we are getting nowhere, effort that results in NO progress, and needless suffering.

What's the key? Alignment. Explore what alignment can look like for you on an individal level alongside your Lead True Community this August.

Venue: Zoom Meeting Platform

Starts: Tue Aug 27, 2024, 12:00pm CT, 19:00 CEST

Ends: Tue Aug 27, 2024, 012:55pm CT, 19:55 CEST


In and Out of Alignment