Members Only | Virtual | True Leadership Session on Alignment


Our True Leadership Sessions are offered each month, exclusively for our Premium & Premium Plus Tiara Resource Circle Members, based on the Tiara Model for True Leadership (SM)


To continue building momentum toward top priority results, it's necessary to align your internal and external environments with the future vision. The internal environment includes your thoughts, beliefs and internal dialogue. Left unattended, limiting mindsets and a negative inner critic can sabotage progress. The external environment includes behaviors, conversations,
relationships and the physical environment.

Explore your current level of alignment and learn some strategies and tips to help you find a level that works for you in this True Leadership Session.

We look forward to your joining us! 

Venue: Zoom Meeting Platform

Starts: Tue Oct 12 2021, 12:00pm CDT

Ends: Tue Oct 12 2021, 12:45pm CDT


Members Only | Virtual | Align Your Space


Members Only | Virtual | True Leadership Session on Well-Being