Pillar 4: The Courage to Be Bold and Create the Extraordinary
How to be bold and create the extraordinary? Sounds like a big topic that would involve lots of methods and techniques. Yet there are 2 secrets to boldly creating extraordinary results.
Pillar 3: The Courage to Ask Others to Follow
Leaders need the commitment, the ideas, the passion and the work of others to make big ideas come to life. How do you get that kind of commitment from others? How do you get others fully engaged?
Pillar 2: The Courage to Say What Needs to Be Said
When it’s time to deliver a tough message, do you can feel like you’ve got to have a complex set of interpersonal skills mastered? If so, you’re not alone.
Pillar 1: The Courage to Be Authentically You
Our world, right now, needs leaders who know how to inspire, engage and get extraordinary results. As a leader, you’ve got opportunities, pressures, questions and complexities coming at you from all directions.