Leading from Results (TLA, Netherlands)

Leading from Results

Results is a distinction in the Dimension of Accomplishments in the Tiara Model for True Leadership (SM). It is our belief that (men and) women, at all stages of their careers, are able to produce results with more ease by staying true to their vision and being deliberately intentional.

Producing results is not to be confused with simply being busy. The standard model of thought is that leaders must work hard to produce results and that their success most often comes with sacrifice. We find that there is a pitfall for people to over-commit and over-work, leading to feeling burnt out instead of successful and energized.

A core approach that we use in Tiara is to practice a four-step process to produce results with greater ease: 1. Be clear on what you want. 2. Take inspired instead of motivated action. 3. Look forward, and 4. Trust. This sounds logical, and it is, yet the magic is coming through the experiential work.

Participating in a workshop on Leading from Results will take you beyond the intellectual understanding of the 4 steps. Through applying the practice to your real life in the company of peers, you will be able to develop a laser-like sense of what the most effective, purposeful actions will be and let busywork go.

Follow this link to the next workshop Leading from Results in Amsterdam (NL) on February 20th, 2020. Offered as part of the Tiara Leadership Academy - NL.


About The Tiara Leadership Academy – NL

The Tiara Leadership Academy – NL is for women choosing to authentically and powerfully lead from inspiration day-by-day. They choose to come together in-person, locally to keep themselves and each other on course. We walk the circular Tiara leadership curriculum and our leadership journeys together.

Find out more about the Tiara Leadership Academy - NL


Visioning Day (Netherlands)


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