Is intuition a valid reason for making a decision?

At Lead True, we love the absurdity of the question asked in the blog's title. It captures how intertwined reasoning is with decision-making, even when we are longing to trust our intuition more completely.

Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary defines intuition as "the power or faculty of attaining direct knowledge or cognition without evident rational thought and inference."

Basically, the definition says intuition is void of reason or rational thought. Notice your reaction. Does this feel like an insult? Does it feel like a relief? Do you feel like defending the rationality of intuition? Are you inspired by living a life less dependent on mind-based reason and logic?

Your reaction shows your current belief system and decision-making preference, which is great awareness. We believe we ALL have this capability, it exists within each of us. The extent we use it is up to us.

Let's begin our development by understanding the basics of intuition.

First, we want to clarify what intuition is and how to include it more fully in your decision-making process. As the dictionary states, it does not come from the rational, logical mind. Intuition is the processing of data that comes from many sources including the body, emotions, feelings, past experience and more. This processing can happen instantaneously in a non-linear way. When you are in the present moment, open, aware, accepting and positive, these intuitive directives are very accurate and powerful, leading you to make decisions that might not appear practical or reasonable, yet ultimately move you toward the best solution.

Second, we want to identify what intuition is not. It is not to be confused with feelings or used as an excuse. It is not accessible if you are too stressed, anxious or caught up in a thinking loop. It is not better than logic or reasoning.

Third, we want to include intuition as an important part of leadership, which is why we want to help you develop yours. When a leader is present, open, positive and clear, she can use both intuition and logic for making decisions. Adding intuition to the decision-making process elevates effectiveness because it causes you to:

  • Make decisions at the perfect time (not too fast, not too slow)

  • Brings information into the process that is missing from reports and statistics

  • Aligns with the heart, soul and culture of the company or project

Share with us:

  • Do you trust your intuition? Why or why not?

  • When have you made a purely intuitive decision? Was it a success or failure?

  • Do we need both logic and intuition in our decision-making?


About the Author

Betsy Sobiech, a Lead True Global Leader, is an expert in organization development, human behavior, training, systems thinking, communications and coaching.

Betsy has worked with organizations such as Exxon Mobil Aviation, Hewitt Associates, Nicor Gas, Clearbrook, Center for Sight and Hearing, Mercy Home for Boys and Girls, St. Gregory the Great High School, Standard Parking, Allstate, McDonald’s, Mesirow Financial, and PepsiCo.


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