#BlackLivesMatter: Tiara's Pledge For Equity

At Tiara International, we believe deeply that each person has an equal right to lead a fulfilling life.

Our tireless focus since our inception has been on women’s equity and equal opportunity in all arenas.

We realize that’s not enough. As leaders who develop leaders, we must intentionally seek to eradicate racism in ourselves, our families, our communities, our business, and in our work.

Our black and brown brothers and sisters have been sharing their stories, persistently and powerfully illustrating their plight for centuries. We didn’t listen. We didn’t hear. We have been part of the problem. We have to do better, and we will.

The Tiara Global Leaders personally commit to:

  • Listen. We will sit with the open hearts, hearing all the stories, even when heart-breaking, gut-wrenching, and excruciatingly uncomfortable.

  • Learn. We will face the facts and learn about the systemic inequities, suspending judgment, defensiveness, or excuses.

  • Speak. We will speak up and out, knowing that silence is compliance.

  • Act. We will take actions personally and as a company to move toward a system of equity and ending racism wherever it exists.

One first step is that the Tiara Global Leaders will do Dr. Eddie Moore, Jr.’s 21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge together, from July 10 - 31.

Our Tiara Resource Circle community members are very welcome to participate with us, learning together, supporting each other. Please learn more and join us here.

We will be imperfect in our journey; yet we will openly face imperfection, vulnerability, discomfort, and getting it wrong in order to eventually, hopefully, finally get it right.


Public | Virtual | 15 Days to WOW! (SM)


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