Drive toward a successful, satisfying 2019 With 15 Days To WOW! ℠


Are you ready to refocus, recommit, refuel, and drive toward completing an inspiring and fulfilling 2019?

Join Tiara’s 15 Days To WOW!℠ program that takes place in September 2019 to recommit to your top priorities, remove any roadblocks, and drive toward a satisfying year.


How It Works

Set aside 15 - 30 minutes a day for these 15 days:

Wednesday, September 11, 2019 - Wednesday, September 25, 2019 to launch and focus your efforts.

Receive Daily Wow Factors:

Daily WOW Factors arrive via email for 15 consecutive days. Each one leads you through a step in the 15-day process. Each step will take 15 minutes or less to complete each day.

Join live Phone Calls:

3 expert-led phone calls take place at the start, mid-point, and completion of the program. These calls are recorded so if you miss the live version, you can listen at your convenience. Calls are at 12 noon Central Time (19:00 NL) Wednesday, September 11, 2019, Wednesday, September 18, 2019, and Wednesday, September 25, 2019.

Add a bonus WOW Practice:

In addition to following the WOW Factor, we encourage each participant to choose a WOW Practice, which is a daily nurturing action that they commit to that takes less than 15 minutes. It might be going for a walk, doing a sun salutation, listening to an inspiring song, or saying a mantra.


Meet the Leadership Experts


Meet our global Managing Partners bring decades of experience, passion, and commitment to this program as they both lead and participate in 15 Days To WOW! ℠.

What People Say


From Jen Todd, Founder at breakthrough partners, inc.: “I joined the 15 Days to WOW!℠ program to get accountability and support in the writing that I had been stalling on. I made a commitment to write 15 minutes a day and get on the calls, which seemed small at the time but it had a BIG shift in my energy, paradigm and writing results! I realized how easy it was to follow through on a 15-minute commitment. It busted me out of my excuses and stuckness and led to more creative, authentic and confident writing and words on the page!”


From Anneke Strik, Trainer and Coach at Landstede“I choose to do the Tiara virtual programs because I experienced how inspiring this can be for me. I was led along by the Tiara leaders to a new awareness that is positive and guides me to new practices in my life. The most valuable part for me is the sharing of insights with all the different participants. It brings a sense of belonging to a strong and lively community. To find my own place in this community is very valuable and new to me. The difference in my life since the Tiara 15 Days to WOW!℠ is that there is a circle of awareness and clarity. This energy comes back to me and brings me great joy.”

Questions & Answers

Who participates in WOW?

Anyone. Professionals, entrepreneurs, parents, organization leaders, educators, business owners … all people who love growing, learning, and taking things to the next level. We welcome all industries, education backgrounds, ages, and genders to this program.

What types of goals do people have who do this program?

We have had people participate who have professional goals like jump-starting a career change, writing a book, resolving a team conflict, or going after a promotion. People also bring personal goals like increasing mindfulness, beginning a long-lasting fitness program, or beginning to date again. You choose the focus of the program based on what's important to you.

How much time will this take every day?

15 - 30 minutes each day. We design each Daily WOW Factor to take 15 minutes or less, and if you choose to take on an additional WOW Practice, we encourage you to choose one that also takes 15 minutes or less. We want this program to be doable, even in a busy schedule.

Do I have to do each of the 15 steps?

Of course this is up to you. The 15 steps are designed to work together for optimal results. If you skip steps, you may be missing an important breakthrough or puzzle piece. However, we trust you to trust yourself as well.

What if I can’t be on the phone calls?

The phone calls are recorded and sent to the participants so you can listen to them easily at a time that’s convenient for you.

How will I be supported in achieving success?

You will be supported with 3 live calls, 15 daily emails, a private Facebook Group, and access to the Tiara leadership coaches via email at any time.

What if I do everything as designed, and I feel this program is a failure?

Well, that would be a first! And if it does happen, we would be happy to refund your $15 if the program doesn't work for you. Even though it's a low price, we want you to feel like your return way exceeds your investment.

Why is this price so low?

We intentionally price this program so that any one, form anywhere can participate in this program.  Tiara’s mission is to create a world were all people choose to live their lives from their own inspiration.  This is our way to help fulfill on that mission.


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